PBLA 5+ Years in – Reflecting on the Practice – Part 2

Beth Beardall, OCELT
May 9, 2024
7:00 - 8:30pm EDT

This is a two-part series – 90 mins for each session:
Part 1 – April 11 @ 7 pm
Part 2 – May 9 @ 7 pm

Beth Beardall will progress through the following questions. There is no set division as to what will be covered in each session as attendee participation will dictate the pace. Ideally, all questions will be addressed by the end of the two sessions.

You may register for one or both sessions. Note that each has to be registered for separately, based on the session date.

Questions to be addressed:

  1. How have you adapted and adjusted your teaching style and delivery since the inception of PBLA?
  2. Has your style changed over the last 5+ years?
  3. What are some ways you make connections between learners’ experience and the subject matter?
  4. How do you cultivate interest?
  5. What instructional methods do you use to help each learner succeed personally and socially in or out of the classroom?
  6. How do you incorporate these methods into your lessons?
  7. What tips do you have for incorporating self-reflective practices?
  8. How do you mitigate the issues that can arise because of the revolving door known as continuous intake?
  9. How can we establish a true community in the LINC classroom and program that might ease the anxiety and antipathy that PBLA implementation has created?

This dialogue session will cover our use of PBLA in the LINC/ESL classroom and how we can improve our own practice using it and perhaps begin to change what it could look like. While there are many struggles in its use, is it possible to shift our mindset (of all stakeholders) away from assessment of learning – back to the concept of assessment for learning? Instead of a collection of assessments, what if each learner could gather a true archive of their best work in a community of English practice? That is a lofty goal, but the dialogue needs to start somewhere.

Session Type: Teaching Best Practices

Categories: Assessment, Lesson Planning/Ideas, PBLA

Teaching Sectors: Continuing Education/Adult ESL (non-credit), LINC

About the Presenter

Beth Beardall began teaching English in the LINC/ESL program in the fall of 2016, during the implementation of PBLA. As a naturally nurturing person with interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, she has been striving to use assessment for learning in the context of PBLA to create a more holistic approach to provide English instruction, practice, and assessment. In 2021, she completed a Masters of Adult education through Yorkville University (online) with a focus on building a learning community in the English for literacy learner classroom for her capstone.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beth-beardall-156b6b44/

Blog: https://blog.teslontario.org/author/beth-beardall/

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtduuoqDwtGdCPxDj0ZaR997OABbhKnDDM#/registration