Digitizing Old Lesson Materials Using Roshi.ai

Jonny Kalambay
July 21, 2024

What is Rosh.ai and why are teachers using it? How can I use AI to digitize my old paper worksheets? How can I use AI to enhance my digital worksheets?

Use AI to digitize your old worksheets! This presentation will show how to use Roshi.ai to scan worksheets for content and exercises. The digital content can then be easily augmented: add voices to your dialogues, add images to vocabulary sheets, and add instant feedback to your quizzes.

The key points to be covered are:

  • what Roshi is and how it’s used by Canadian teachers,
  • how to use Roshi.ai to digitize lesson material, and
  • how to use Roshi.ai to enhance existing digital material.

This presenter’s earlier TESL Ontario webinar (December 6, 2023) is available on Tutela to members of the TESL Ontario group on Tutela.

Webinar Type: Technology

Categories: Technology

Teaching Sectors: All sectors

Participant Level: All levels

About the Presenter

Jonny (he/him) has always been passionate about language education. French is his first language, and throughout his life he has learned English, Spanish, and Japanese. With a professional background in software engineering, he is now combining his expertise and passion, working on technology tools for educators. He is the developer of Roshi.ai and has been building it for over a year, with the help of teachers across Canada.

Roshi website: https://www.roshi.ai
Roshi LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/roshi-ai
Roshi on X: https://www.x.com/roshiLessons

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