Become a Presenter

TESL Ontario offers valuable professional development opportunities for educators, administrators, trainers and researchers in the field of English language education.

We invite presenters to share their experience, knowledge, innovative ideas, practices, and research, through a variety of PD formats.

TESL Ontario professional development events are promoted to the TESL Ontario community via member email and shared with a vast following of TESL educators via social media.

There are several ways to share your expertise with the TESL community:

  • Present a TESL Ontario Webinar
  • Present a TESL Exchange Video
  • Present at the TESL Ontario Conference – Call for Proposals Open in the Spring.
  • Present a session at a TESL Ontario Affiliate Chapter Event
TESL Ontario Webinars

We encourage you to submit a proposal to the TESL Ontario webinar team on a topic of your choosing. Our team will guide you through the process: providing you with training, support, equipment, and guided practice runs until you are fully prepared and feel confident.

How does the program work?


  • Webinar proposals go through a review process by team members, with a response from the team within 7 days.
  • Proposals that focus on product promotion are not permitted.
  • If your proposal is accepted, you will be contacted by a team member to schedule a date for your webinar.
  • The team will be there to help you every step of the way, from drafting your description, sharing feedback on your slides, to pacing your presentation, and so much more.
  • You’ll be paired with a moderator.

What’s the moderator’s role?

The moderator will:

  • work with you through the whole process, including monitoring timelines,
  • provide detailed presenter training, including practice runs on the webinar platform,
  • be your resource person to assure that you are comfortable and well prepared,
  • be your dedicated support person during your live webinar: handling any technical issues, managing attendee questions, and offering any other necessary assistance.

What are the benefits for me?

You will:

  • receive a certificate for 5 hours of professional development,
  • receive training and experience in presenting a webinar,
  • be able to share your knowledge and expertise with the language training community,
  • receive survey feedback to help you reflect on and learn from the experience,
  • grow your personal learning network, and
  • add skills to your resumé and social media.

Before submitting a proposal, please review the Info sheet on drafting a webinar description and biography.

Submit Your Proposal

If you have any questions, email the TESL Ontario webinar team.

TESL Exchange Videos

Are you ready to be the next YouTube sensation, at least amongst your fellow language training professionals? We’re looking for members like YOU to share your expertise on a topic of your choosing. The aim of TESL Exchange is to provide a bank of short videos (5 – 15 mins) for our members. Here are some suggested topics:

  • Your favourite teaching gems of tried-and-true lesson ideas.
  • Technology that has enhanced student engagement for you.
  • Technology that helps you work more efficiently. Any time-saving tips, which are always appreciated.

How does the program work?


  • You work with the Exchange team members to produce a video, focusing on one key idea or concept of your choice.
  • TESL Exchange proposals go through a review process by the team, with a response from the team within 7 days.
  • The team will work alongside you, providing training, support, and encouragement.
  • A moderator will provide training and support throughout the preparation and recording process.
  • Video editing will be done by an Exchange team member.

What are the benefits for me?

You will:

  • receive a certificate for 3 hours of professional development,
  • gain experience and training using webinar recording technology, without the stress of a live audience,
  • be able to share your knowledge and expertise with the language training community,
  • have recognition for your efforts by promotion of the video on social media and in member emails, and
  • have a new experience and skill set to add to your resumé

Submit Your Proposal

If you have any questions, email the TESL Exchange team.

TESL Ontario Affiliate Chapter Events

TESL Ontario Affiliate Chapter Events

Are you passionate about a topic? If so, why not share your knowledge with your local TESL community? Consider submitting a presentation proposal for an Affiliate Chapter event.

All proposals will be forwarded to the appropriate Affiliate Chapter for review by their event planning committee.

Submit your Proposal

If you have any questions, email your Affiliate Chapter directly.